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An immersive Virtual Reality experience introducing consumers to the range of bug-zapping products from SC Johnson.

SCJ - Bug Expert VR
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SC Johnson - Bug Expert VR

SC Johnson wanted an engaging way to inform shoppers about the full range of insecticide products and their use throughout the home. The Bug Expert pop-up experience was designed to capture shoppers’ attentions with a range of fun interactive experiences.


The main interactive experience was a fun Virtual Reality game in which participants would use a variety of bug repellant products throughout a virtual house. The aim was to zap as many bugs as possible to become the SC Johnson Bug Expert. 


The VR experience was built in Unity3D for the Lenovo Mirage Solo headset - a standalone Google Daydream VR unit. Being untethered, the action could be choreographed all around the participant, encouraging them to search every corner of the rooms to eliminate bugs. With inside-out tracking and 6 Degrees of Freedom, players were able to duck, dodge, crouch, lean and twist their way through the game, using the wand controller to pick up products and zap the bugs.


The SC Johnson Bug Expert VR experience kept crowds entertained as it toured numerous destinations in Europe, giving shoppers a fun insight to fighting pests.


SC Johnson 






Technical Concept, Technical Direction, Experience Design, Delivery Oversight



Virtual Reality, Unity3D, Standalone Google Daydream VR Headset, Untethered 6 Degrees of Freedom, Wand Controller Interaction

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